To protect your data, only usage data is processed on this website according to the EU General Privacy policy Regulation (GDPR).
For privacy policy information with explanation of the web analysisAccessibility statement
This accessibility statement applies to the website of the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) published at
As a public body within the meaning of Directive (EU) 2016/2102, we endeavour to make our websites and mobile applications accessible in accordance with the provisions of the German Act on Equal Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities (BGG) and the Accessible Information Technology Ordinance (BITV 2.0) for the implementation of Directive (EU) 2016/2102.
Status of compatibility with the requirements
The accessibility requirements are set out in sections 3 (1) to (4) and 4 of BITV 2.0, which was issued on the basis of section 12d BGG.
The verification of compliance with the requirements is based on an assessment carried out by CONET Solutions GmbH on 25 May 2022 in accordance with BITV 2.0 of 21 May 2019. The assessment includes the new requirements of WCAG 2.1. The test is based on a manual test procedure that is supported by various software-based tools. In addition, selected test steps were tested with the aid of screen readers. It was tested with NVDA V.2021.2 in the basic setting for beginners.
Based on the review, the website does not comply with the aforementioned requirements.
The contents listed below are not barrier-free for the following reasons:
- There is no alternative for CAPTCHAs on the ‘Submit report without registration’ subpage.
- The portal is not responsive and therefore does not support use on smartphones.
- When adjusting the colours, font sizes and fonts in the browser, menu items in the main navigation may be obscured.
- If incorrect entries are made, standard browser messages appear and are reported to the screen reader. However, the error labelling disappears after a few seconds.
- Tables have a sorting function for the table columns. However, these are not offered as buttons, but as link elements.
- For logged-in users, the institution can be changed via a drop-down field. With focus, the field only changes the line under the name of the current institution from a grey tone (#9aa0a2) to a blue tone (#0071ad). The brightness contrast here is only 2:1 (TARGET 3:1).
- Incorrectly filled out fields in the various forms are only identified by the font colour changing from grey/black to red. Another feature for identification is missing.
- In registration and reporting forms, mandatory fields are only marked with an asterisk (*). There is no programmatic labelling (required attribute).
- In registration and reporting forms, mandatory fields that have not been completed are identified by an error message below the respective field. Error messages that appear below the respective form fields after an incorrect entry are not programmatically linked to the fields and labelling.
Optional accessible content
We are constantly endeavouring to further develop the amount of accessible content and the accessibility of the website. A further review is planned for 2024.
Date of creation or last update of the statement
This statement was created on 27.10.2022 and last updated on 27.10.2022.
Report barriers to the feedback contacts
Would you like to report existing barriers or request information on the implementation of accessibility? For your feedback and all other information, please contact our responsible contact persons using the contact form .
You can also contact us by post or telephone:
Federal Office for Information Security
P.O. Box 200363
53133 Bonn
Availability: Monday to Friday from 08:00-18:00
Telephone: 0800 274 1000
(free of charge from the German landline and mobile phone network)
Conciliation procedure
If no satisfactory solution has been found after your feedback to the above-mentioned contact, you can turn to the arbitration board in accordance with § 16 BGG. The BGG conciliation body has the task of supporting an out-of-court settlement of disputes between people with disabilities and federal public bodies on the subject of accessibility. The arbitration procedure is free of charge. No legal assistance is required. Further information on the conciliation procedure and the options for submitting an application can be found at:
You can contact the BGG arbitration centre directly at