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For privacy policy information with explanation of the web analysisContact us
General contact information
For general enquiries, press enquiries or postal enquiries, please use the contact details provided on the BSI website. The BSI Service Centre will be happy to help you with questions that fall within the remit of the Federal Office or will provide you with the correct contact, if known. It will also be happy to help you with any questions of understanding or current events relating to IT security. The BSI press office will be happy to answer your questions and provide suggestions for press releases, images and interviews.
Contact information of the reporting points
The contact persons at the reporting points will be happy to help you to use the portal or answer specific questions about registration or reporting forms. Please only use these contact details if you belong to the respective reporting point.
Alliance for Cyber Security (ACS)
If you have any questions about the Alliance, please contact the Service-Center. Further ACS contact information can be found on the Alliance for Cyber Security website.
German Federal Government (§ 4 BSIG)
For questions regarding registration as a german federal authority and the submission of SOFORT and STATISITKEN reports.
Federal Office for Information Security
Unit C11
Cyber Security Network (CSN)
If you have any questions about the CSN, the BSI Service-Center and the CSN website will help you.
Critical infrastructures (KRITIS)
Federal Office for Information Security
Telephone: +49 (0)228 99 9582 6166
Fax: +49 (0)228 99 10 9582 6166
Further information on S/MIME certificates or PGP keys can be found on the BSI website.
Aviation Security (LuSi)
Federal Office for Information Security
LuSi office
Further information can be found on our website.
If you have any questions about reporting vulnerabilities, please contact CERT-Bund. Further information can be found in the BSI's Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure (CVD) guideline.